I have not seen the Himalayas, But I.. Himalayas- Bangabandhu

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Himalayas- Bangabandhu

“I have not seen the Himalayas, but I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage ohis man is the Himalayas, I have thus the experience of witnessing the Himalajas" _said Fidel Castro, the them prime minister of Cuba in 1973, when first met Bangabandhu. Such was the impression Bangabandhu lulled on the minds of world leaders. He held the position in the hearts of people all over the world by his own minority, courage and greatness.


Every country has to determine its way of dealing with other countries of the world. Bangladesh’s constitution of 1972 clearly reflects the philosophy, ‘Friend ship tor all, malice to none’. Bangabandhu led the new government decided to maintain friendly. 'co-existence' with other countries based on this principle.

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