Completing Sentence । কম্পেলেটিং সেন্টেন্স

 Completion of sentence

Completing Sentence

1. Faults are thick where love is thin.

2. I will go to the market as long as the weather is fine.

3. Study seriously lest you fail in the exam.

4. Hardly had the assembly started where it rained.

5. There is hardly a person who does not love flowers.

6. It is illiteracy that is a curse.

7. As soon as the thief saw the police, he fled.

8. We must work hard so that we can thrive in life.

9. He is so intelligent that we cannot imagine.

10. He talks as if he knows everything.

11. What is blocked cannot be blocked.

12. The man who loves his country is a patriot.

13. It is high time we left the place.

14. There are many resources in Bangladesh.

15. A man who does not work hard cannot shine in life.

16. Unless you run fast, you can’t get the train.

17.  He opened a bank account to deposit money.

18. He had better gone home.

19. We barely reached the station when the train left.

20. Would you mind taking a cup of tea?

21. You cannot succeed in life unless you work hard.

22. A man who is idle cannot shine in life.

23. After finishing the work, I went to school.

24. Walking in the morning is good for health.

25. It is health that is wealth.

26. I wish I was a child.

27. Together we stand, divided we fall.

1971 is the year when we achieved independence.

29. He told me that honesty is the best policy.

30. Where there is will, there is a way.

1952 is the year when the language movement took place.

32. If I were rich, I would help the poor.

33. Man is born free, but he is changed everywhere.

34. A proverb goes that time and tide waits for no one.

35. We had hardly reached the station when the train left.

36. The patient died before the doctor arrived.

37. The patient died after the doctor arrived.

38. Man is curious by nature.

39. He opened a bank account to deposit money.

40. No nation is prosperous without the light of education.

41. No one knows what will happen next.

42. When danger is gone, God is forgotten.

43. If I had the wins of a bird, I would help the poor.

44. If I had the wins of a bird, I would fly in the sky.

45. Although he is poor, he is honest.

46. I will go as long as the weather is fine.

47. We must work hard so that we can shine in life.

48. A man who is drowning catches at a straw.

49. Not sooner had the doctor gone than the patient died.

50. Unless you work hard, you cannot shine in life.

51. 10 p.m. is the time when we go to bed.

52. A man is known by the company he holds.

53. Five years have passed since I met you.

54. What you have heard is not true.

55. This is the boy who is my brother.

56. Handsome is that hand some do.

57. The old man walked slowly to prevent him from falling.

58. Run fast so you don’t miss the car.

59. Read deli gently lest you fail in the exam.

60. Would you mind taking a cup of tea?

61. What he says is true.

62. His silence proves that he has committed the crime.

63. Allah helps those who help themselves.

64. Strike the iron while it is hot.

65. Fortune smiles to the brave.

66. God will help us as long as we believe in Him.

67. If you invite me, I will join the party.

68. He is so weak that he cannot support his family.

69. Wait here until I come back.

70. If you read carefully, you will pass.

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